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In Radiant Splendor Shine

Building brilliant futures, together.


An iconic line from our alma mater, 这次活动的主题是“光芒四射”,向我们的大学家园和我们所珍视的回忆致敬. 正是本着这种光明和辉煌的精神,我们开始了为后代建立威尼斯人平台遗产的探索.

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The Campaign

The Alma Matter

Keeping a Capital Education Accessible

At Capital, higher education is uniquely personal, preparing students not only for rewarding and meaningful careers, but also to lead fulfilling lives with a positive impact on society. 你的礼物有助于确保这种宝贵的学习经验,仍然可以获得不同的学生群体.

For alumni, community partners, and all those who support our vision and mission, 在Radiant Splendor, Shine创造了一个机会来庆祝我们共同取得的成就,并在塑造我们的未来中发挥至关重要的作用.

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Funding Levels

Explore the possibilities.

In Radiant Splendor Shine活动是一项全面的筹款活动,旨在推动创新, elevate the learning experience, strengthen community partnerships, 并确保威尼斯人平台的教育能够为不同的学生群体所接受.

加入我们,为子孙后代建设威尼斯人平台的遗产. 这里有一些你的礼物可以产生有意义的影响.

Facilities And Programs

Entire Buildings (New Construction)

Entire Buildings (New Construction)

建筑物的名称对命名机会有特殊的考虑. 一般来说,如果捐赠了至少50%的建筑物成本,则建筑物应按照捐赠者的指示命名. 

Building Additions and Renovations

Building Additions and Renovations

建筑物的增建和翻新需要根据具体情况进行考虑. 将考虑使用类型、能见度和交通流量等事项.

Portions of Buildings

Portions of Buildings

礼堂:新建或现有建筑物(如礼堂)中的单独房间或侧翼, lecture halls and lobbies, need to be considered on a case-by-case basis. 将考虑使用类型、能见度和交通流量等事项.

Unnamed Existing Buildings

Unnamed Existing Buildings

目前未命名的建筑物可以通过设立捐赠基金来命名,相当于12个.5% of the fair market value of the building.

Relocation or Replacement

Relocation or Replacement

现有设施的名称将在建筑物的生命周期内保持不变. 除为维护大学更大利益而搬迁有用的设施外,拆除设施的名称不会转移至新设施.

Named Colleges, Schools, Centers, or Institutes

Named Colleges, Schools, Centers, or Institutes

Associating an individual, 公司或基金会的名字加上学院的名字是对捐赠者的巨大承诺的认可. The Board reserves the right, 在与校长和副校长就大学发展进行磋商后,批准最符合资本利益的资金安排.

Student Awards

确保你的捐赠产生影响的一个方法是通过奖学金或奖学金捐赠直接投资于学生. 经济援助的可用性对于确保威尼斯人平台的教育仍然是可获得和负担得起的至关重要.

Named Graduate Fellowships

Named Graduate Fellowships

Provides income to fund fellowships for graduate students.

  • Minimum Endowment Gift: $250,000
  • Annual Gift: $ 12,500
Endowed Scholarship

Endowed Scholarship

该基金的收入将为本科生提供经济援助. 选择标准将取决于捐助者的偏好和资本制定的准则.

  • Minimum Endowment Gift: $25,000

Faculty Awards

To maintain our high standard of academic excellence, 威尼斯人平台必须能够吸引和留住最优秀、最聪明、最有远见的领导者, innovative educators, and trusted mentors dedicated to unlocking student potential.

Dean's Endowed Chair

Dean’s Endowed Chair


  • Minimum Endowment Gift: $2.5 million
Endowed Chair or Director

Endowed Chair or Director

特聘教授将使大学能够表彰或招收在其学科领域表现出做出杰出贡献的潜力的杰出学者. 为优秀教员的工资和相关费用提供收入, including research and professional conferences, and who serves as chair of a department.

  • Minimum Endowment Gift: $1.5 million
Distinguished Endowed Professorship

Distinguished Endowed Professorship

杰出教授将使大学能够表彰或招收在其学科中表现出做出杰出贡献的潜力的杰出学者. Income from the endowment will provide support toward salary, professional development, related research and program expenses.

  • Minimum Endowment Gift: $750,000
Visiting Professorship

Visiting Professorship

提供申请威尼斯人官网教授年薪的收入. 这些教授职位将使大学受益于人才,否则资本将无法获得这些人才. 

  • Minimum Endowment Gift: $500,000
Emergency Faculty Award

Emerging Faculty Award

提供收入,用于申请优秀青年教师的年薪和教学/研究费用. 这些资金将使资本能够吸引和留住最有前途的年轻教授. (Age: 40 or younger)

  • Minimum Endowment Gift: $250,000
Endowed Lectureship

Endowed Lectureship


  • Minimum Endowment Gift: $100,000
Faculty Research and Development Fund

Faculty Research and Development Fund


  • Minimum Endowment Gift: $100,000

Your support is an investment in a brighter future.

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